Sunday, 14 August 2016

Transdisciplinary Animation Ideas

I was really struggling to come up with an idea for my transdisciplinary animation. So I started looking into history because it was my 2nd favourite subject in high school, art being my favourite of course. I thought of the different themes they tackle in historical movies. Then I thought of how these themes could be used in different stories for my animation narrative. I then thought about how the story could be told, what genre/s they can be told. Then I thought about mixing genres and how it's like a chemical reaction. At the end, I ended up going with chemistry for my discipline. I haven't decided yet about which aspect of this discipline I'm going to use for my project but I came up with ideas about what I'm going to animate. The idea so far is about colour change in chemical reactions. Mixing two genres to create another one. The idea so far is to use colour opacity to show that. Each colour would represent a genre and they would mix with each other and go through some sort of chemical reaction. My idea for this project is about genre mixing but utilizing an aspect/aspects of chemistry for the animation. I still have to research about the processes are involved in chemical reaction to expand my knowledge and also my ideas for my project but it's a start.

Narrative wise, genre mixing in itself could tell stories. I do enjoy watching Marvel movies and one thing that they've done really well is mixing genres. I like how they mixed the superhero genre with just about anything to suit the narrative they are telling. Captain America: Civil War mixed the superhero genre with the political genre. I never expected to see superheroes and geopolitics in a movie.

Using what I learned from the synesthesia exercise that we did, I wanted to show the visual feel of chemical reactions through colours and animation. In saying that, chemical reactions are visual themselves. But I want to use a certain aspect of it so I can show visually genre mixing. I reckon genres can be represented through different colours. I'm going to use Marvel movies for example cause I really like them. What's awesome about it is that they exist in one world but different aspects of this world exist. For example, the vibrant and wacky colours of space in Guardians of the Galaxy. The blue world of politics in Captain America movies. And then there's the gray area of Daredevil and Jessica Jones as street level heroes.

 I still have to do more research to expand my ideas and utilize that research to make my transdisciplinary animation work.

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